Tuesday 22 April 2008

Week 4 - Classroom stuff !

Quite a slow week ! Spent a day on Tachos (Analogue & Digi) and the EU Working Time Directive. Very useful. Wont say it was very interesting but very useful none the less ! What with 'driver' hours restrictions and 'working' time restrictions its all a bit of a minefield, but I think I got my head round it !

Basically ...............

As a driver you can only drive a total of 90 hrs in a 2 week period. Total of 56 in any 1 week which means you can only 'drive' 34 hrs the following week. For the WTD you are supposed to only 'work' an average (based over a period upto 6 months) 48 hrs per week. This can be extended to 60 hrs but if the extra 12 hrs are taken they have to be 'paid back' over the next 2 weeks. Confused ................ ? Just bear in mind that 'working' time is from when you clock on until you clock off and 'driving' time is when you are actually at the wheel ! Time spent on 'rest' or 'POA' are NOT included in your working hours ! POA (Periods Of Availability), well thats a whole seperate explanation !!! Basically a pre-warned waiting period to load/unload.

Other training this week is on First Aid, Manual Handling and a days work experience at the local depot.

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